Advanced Engineering Materials
Phase formation and densification peculiarities of Hf–C–N solid solution ceramics during reactive SPS
Zavjalov A.P., Nikiforov P.A., Kosyanov D.Yu., Zakharenko A.M., Trukhin V.O., Talskih K.Yu., Shichalin O.O., Papynov E.K.
Zavjalov A.P., Nikiforov P.A., Kosyanov D.Yu., Zakharenko A.M., Trukhin V.O., Talskih K.Yu., Shichalin O.O., Papynov E.K.
This paper studies phase formation and sintering of hafnium carbonitride ceramics from a 4 HfC–3 HfN powder mixture using reactive spark plasma sintering. XRD data show the mutual hetero‐diffusion of carbon C and nitrogen N increases with sintering temperature within the studied temperature range 1500‐2100 °C. 4 HfC–3 HfN powder sintering at 1900 °C for 5 min under 60 MPa pressure yields in HfCxN1‐x solid solution ceramics. The ceramic sample prepared under optimal conditions (2100 °C, 5 min, 60 MPa) is characterized by an average grain size of 10 μm, microhardness of 19.6–22.5 GPa and relative density above ∽97%.